Jolly Rancher + BuzzFeed
Keep On Sucking, NYC
Jolly Rancher tasked us with bringing their #KeepOnSucking campaign to life in the real world. We collaborated with our in-house events team to pitch and produce BuzzFeed's first ever experiential execution: Keep On Sucking, NYC - an interactive gallery showcasing all the reasons why it sucks to live in New York City. Our pop-up gallery included a dripping AC unit fountain, a throne of trash, fake tourists, pizza rat, and more. The event drew in more than a thousand participants over three days. And #KeepOnSuckingNYC, #PizzaRat, and #TrashThrone were all trending on social media.

Role: Concept, Creative Director, Producer
Team: Kate Driscoll, Aubree Lennon, Will Herring, Villain
Bedford + Bowery: Watch New Yorkers Revel in the Things That Suck About Their City
BizBash: Why BuzzFeed and Jolly Rancher Built a Throne of Trash
NY Daily News: Jolly Rancher Teams Up With BuzzFeed for 'Keep On Sucking, NYC' exhibit in Brooklyn